Skill sessions for 2020 have been off and on due to the virus situation, but are occurring. Keep an eye on the discussion forum for planned events.
Every other Thursday night, we like to get together for a very informal paddle on Hingham Harbor when the tide is high during the evening. On the alternate (low tide) Thursdays, we get together in Hanson to learn and practice rescue and other kayaking skills.
People generally arrive between 4:00-5:30, play till dusk, or until you can't stand emptying the boat again..
These sessions are very informal, and lot of fun. Any number of skills, from a first wet exit to rolling your kayak are practiced extensively. People come whenever they want, work on whatever they want, either in groups or alone. We are fortunate to have an increasing number of very skilled paddlers always willing to help out other folks with new skills or just spotting each other.
The location is at Camp Kiwanee, located off Kiwanee Road in Hanson, MA.
Directions from Boston & Points North:
Take Route 93 or Route 128 S. to Braintree split. Take Route 3 S. to exit 16B (Weymouth Route 18 South) Follow Route 18 S. to Route 58 (left side of road, across from Factory Paint. Follow Route 58 into Hanson, approx. 10.5 miles) Camp is 3/4 mile on the left after Hanson Police Station.
Directions From Route 495:
Take exit 7A off of Route 495 (Route 24N) Follow Route 24 N. to Route 106 to Route 58 N. in Halifax. Left on Route 58N into Hanson. Camp is one mile on right after intersection of Routes 27 & 58. The Camp is located on Route 58 and is easily accessed from Route 27 & Route 14.
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