Thursday Night Hingham Harbor trips have been off and on due to the virus situation. Keep an eye on the General Discussions forum for organized trips.
Every other Thursday night, we like to get together for a very informal paddle on Hingham Harbor. There is no need to sign up for this trip. Simply show up or don't. Perfect for those of you who fear commitment. :-)
If you'd like to join us, try to be ready to launch at 5pm. However, if you can't make it till a little later, come when you can and you'll probably meet us out there somewhere.
Since this is an evening paddle, it will be relatively short - it's probably a good idea to be back to the launch site before it gets really dark.
Hingham Harbor has a lot of possible destinations, so each trip doesn't have to be the same as the last. We could go around World's End, or down the Wier River a little. Trips could be made to the various major islands like Bumpkin, Slate and Grape, or even to the smaller close-by islands like Langlee, Sarah and Button.
This is a trip that should be suitable for all experience levels. And if some of the hard core paddlers want a more ambitious trip, there's no reason why we can't split into two sub-groups.
The area of the harbor in the vicinity of the launch site is relatively flat water. The most dangerous thing to beware of would be power boats. As you head out toward Nantasket, the water can become a little more choppy, and power boats may be traveling at high speed. It's smart to stay close to the group and be very aware of the shipping channels.
This is a great way to meet new people and get acquanted with the group. And if anyone is interested, we can walk across the street to Stars Restaurant after the trip for some Post Paddle Refreshment!
Experience required: We'd like to keep this as casual as possible. No serious level of experience is required, but if you've just purchased your first kayak, this should not be the first time you try it. You should at least be comfortable with the basics of paddling and turning your boat. Expect about a five-mile trip at approx 3.5 mph pace. PFDs are required, and because of occasional chop, sprayskirts are recommended.
When: 6pm every other Thursday evening, when the tide is cooperative.
Where: Hingham Harbor
Take 228 to 3A. Take a Left onto 3A and follow until you see Hingham Harbor Beach/Park on your right. Turn into the first Parking area (near the boat ramp)
What to bring: For the most part, this is up to you. Water for hydration should be obvious. If the tide isn't high, the beach area at the launch site can be pretty mucky, so you might want to bring something to wash off yourself and your gear. Also, if you plan on going across the street for a PPR, bring something dry to put on to wear into the restaurant.
A satellite view of Hingham Harbor: